IT and Engineering for a country that is dynamic and everchanging

organizations are quickly inventing, innovating and adopting various digital platforms to approach the customers from close quarters resulting in better relationship building. The companies are also implementing advanced technologies during strategic decision-making processes which is making the future look brighter. International Data Corporation (IDC) forecasted the growth of Canadian IT sector at the rate of 4% in the year 2022. It’s a great news for Canada but at the same time the country is in dire need of experienced IT and Engineering companies to support and sustain this phenomenal growth.
eConsultants, with its Head Office in Atlanta, USA, is here in to help support this progress and development. Our decades of experience in Oracle, Microsoft, Salesforce and Hexagon have helped some of the leading companies in the world shine bright. In the world of large project consulting and billing, our expertise has enabled organizations to save in millions. Our comprehensive knowledge in cutting-edge software tools have aided our customers go places. eConsultants’ primary objective is to help companies profit and grow much faster than they expected. The family is a perfect blend of seasoned and young professionals who are ready to travel any distance just for the benefit of the customer.
Hello Canada! Welcome to our world of experience, efficiency and happiness.
Front end Engineering & Design (FEED)
Basic Engineering
Engineering, Procurement & Construction (EPC)
From helping folk artists residing at one the of the remotest villages of West Bengal, India to helping a European Tour Guide during the pandemic, eConsultants Inc has always believed in standing beside people irrespective of race, caste, culture and creed. The company goes beyond issues that impact its profit margin and takes an interest in wider social issues. eConsultants Inc’s long term goal is to bring customers who share the same values under one roof and help humanity along the way.
We want our clients to focus on their core business. Time spent away from managing the business impacts the company negatively. eConsultants Inc. allows its customers to focus on their business by managing their integral software applications. We manage technology, platforms and frameworks which help our clients save costs and valuable time.
US office
eConsultants Inc.
3449 Lawrenceville Suwanee Rd. Ste A, Suwanee, GA 30024.
Phone: 678.775.6811, Fax: 678.559.0410
Colombian Office
eConsultants LATAM sas
Carrera-13 #90-17, Barrio Chico, Bogotá, Colombia-110221
Phone: +57 6386 893
Office in Chile
eConsultants Inc.
Avenida El Carmen 1397, Office 301, Portezuelo Building, Huechuraba Commune, Santiago, Chile.
Office in Ecuador
eConsultants Inc.
Avenida Shyris and United Nations, building Shyris Park office 309, Quito, Ecuador.
Telephone: 09683 78412
© 2021 econsultants Inc. All rights reserved.
US Office:
Phone: 678.775.6811
Fax: 678.559.0410
US Office:
Phone: 678.775.6811
Fax: 678.559.0410